Country Number Subject Issue date OJEU notice Design Photo
Austria, Cyprus, Ireland, Latvia, Netherlands0
Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Monaco, Slovakia, Slovenia1
Andorra, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Vatican City2
Andorra 1 2024 UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Not found
Andorra 2 100th anniversary of skiing in Andorra Not found
Belgium 1 Presidency of the European Union 15 January OJEU Not found
Belgium 2 The fight against cancer 13 May OJEU Not found
Croatia 1 City of Varaždin 2 July OJEU Not found
Estonia 1 Estonian national flower, the cornflower 21 May OJEU Not found
Finland 1 Elections and democracy 14 March OJEU Not found
Finland 2 Gesellius, Lindgren, Saarinen — Finnish architecture Not found
France 1 2024 Olympic Games (Hercules wrestling) 9 January OJEU Not found
France 2 2024 Olympic Games (Eiffel Tower) 4 June OJEU Not found
Germany 1 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Königsstuhl 30 January OJEU Not found
Germany 2 175th anniversary of the constitution of St. Paul's Church 21 March OJEU Not found
Greece 1 150th anniversary of the birth of Penelope Delta 17 June OJEU Not found
Greece 2 50th anniversary of the restoration of democracy in Greece 17 June Not found
Italy 1 250th anniversary of the founding of the Financial Guard 12 March OJEU Not found
Italy 2 Nobel prizewinner Rita Levi-Montalcini 22 April Not found
Latvia 1 Not found
Lithuania 1 The tradition of thatched-roof gardens Not found
Luxembourg 1 175th anniverseary of the death of Grand Duke Guillaume II 29 January OJEU Not found
Luxembourg 2 100th anniversary of Luxembourg coins bearing the image of the Feierstëppler 29 January OJEU Not found
Malta 1 Citadel of Gozo OJEU Not found
Malta 2 Maltese honeybee OJEU Not found
Monaco 1 500th anniversary of Monaco 17 June OJEU Not found
Portugal 1 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution 22 April OJEU Not found
Portugal 2 Portugal at the 2024 Olympic Games 4 July OJEU Not found
San Marino 1 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Citizens' Rights and Fundamental Principles of San Marino Law 23 April OJEU Not found
San Marino 2 530th anniversary of the death of Domenico Ghirlandaio Not found
Slovakia 1 100th anniversary of the Košice International Marathon Not found
Slovenia 1 250th anniversary of the National and University Library Not found
Spain 1 200th anniversary of the National Police 19 January OJEU Not found
Spain 2 Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville OJEU Not found
Vatican City 1 150th anniversary of birth of Guglielmo Marconi OJEU Not found
Vatican City 2 750th anniversary of the death of Thomas Aquinas 3 July Not found